The Institute fosters higher education through cooperation agreements with universities and academic research centres across Europe and supports higher education and research activities, mainly through grants or sponsorships (STAREBEI).

Results from our research activities are accessible via our research map.

We created the first European Investment Bank (EIB) Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets (‘EIB Climate Chair’) at the European University Institute (EUI) and we are supporting the European Chair for sustainable development and climate transition at Sciences Po.

We organise the EIB Summer School, a 10 day programme for graduate students to learn about the core activities and responsibilities of the EIB Group.

The Institute conducts student consultancy projects (Capstones) on selected topics relevant to the EIB Group’s activities and organises courses on the EIB Group’s role, missions and activities.

The Institute regularly organises seminars and supports conferences with prominent speakers to encourage knowledge dissemination and innovative thinking about issues of particular concern to the EIB Group. These serve both to help staff in their work and inform the general public.