A capstone is a students’ consultancy project: a team of four to six Masters’ students works under the supervision of the EIB Group staff who has proposed the topic. Projects have a resolutely operational approach and enable students to undertake a real-life consulting project on topic relevant to the EIB Group. At the same time, they allow EIB Group staff to carry out useful and often directly applicable operational research.
Once the project is finalised, the students’ team is invited to the EIB in order to present the results of its work.
Projects most recently carried out were: Modelling equity cashflows with Esade; The European scale-up ecosystem: Evidence on late-stage enterprises location choice by College of Europe; German regional railway transport after 2031 by TU Dresden; and How did the COVID 19 pandemic impact EU SMEs with the LSE.
Click here for the full list of capstones.