To promote thought-leadership and innovative thinking, the Institute is supporting two university chairs, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets (‘EIB Climate Chair’) held by Prof. Jos Delbeke at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, and the European Chair for sustainable development and climate transition at Sciences Po held by Prof. Marc Ringel.

The Institute also provides EIB research internships (called STAREBEI) to finance junior researchers carrying out research projects proposed by the EIB Group (EIB and EIF) under the joint supervision of a university tutor and an EIB co-tutor.

To date, 65 young researchers from 41 universities in 14 European countries have benefited from the STAREBEI programme.

Until January 2024, the EIB Institute ran the EIBURS (EIB University Research Sponsorship) programme under which 34 research projects led by 29 universities and research centres from 11 countries have been financed. Four EIBURS projects are still ongoing: “Firm competitiveness, growth and digitalisation” with Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,  “Impact of Gender Mainstreaming in Infrastructure Projects – Evidence from a water project in Madagascar” with United Nations University-MERIT Maastricht, “The Future of Schooling: harnessing the potential of digital education technology” with Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Province of Trento, and “The European Cleantech industry, the EU Green Deal and SME equity demand” with Politecnico di Torino.

See our Research Map to learn more about EIB funded research.