First academic book on the EIB

 “Deciphering the European Investment Bank: History, Politics and Economics”, edited by Lucia Coppolaro and Helen Kavvadia, the first academic book about the EIB, the largest lender and borrower among International Financial Institutions, is being...

Marc Ringel new Head of Sciences Po Climate Chair

Dr Marc Ringel, an expert in environmental issues, affiliate professor at Sciences Po and full professor at Nuertingen Geislingen University, Stuttgart is the new head of the European chair for sustainable development and climate transition at Sciences Po. Launched in...

New Europa Nostra branch opens in Athens

Europa Nostra, Europe’s leading NGO for the safeguarding of cultural heritage, is opening a new branch of its network – the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub – in Athens to develop and strengthen Europa Nostra’s activities in Greece, South East Europe and the...

New financial education programme in Cyprus

Following the success of the HELITFIN financial education programme in Greece, a similar programme (HELITFIN2) was launched in Cyprus at the beginning of 2022 to promote financial education in upper primary and lower secondary schools. The programme is implemented by...

Cecilia Bartoli new President of Europa Nostra

Cecilia Bartoli, the world-renowned opera star, is the new President of  Europa Nostra, the largest and most representative heritage network in Europe, collaborating closely with the EIB Institute, the European Union, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and other...