Webinar, Webinars 2018-2020
Leadership and management are different, but they are often intertwined. In this webinar Kim Van Niekerk gets you thinking about the important differences between them and how communication styles need to adapt depending on whether you are in leadership or management...
Events, Events list, Events slider
The EIB Institute is organising a new webinar on 22 April, hosted by Kim van Niekerk. Leadership and management – we know they are different, but they are often intertwined. This webinar will get you thinking about the important differences between them...
Webinar, Webinars 2018-2020
In this webinar, Laura Catana, European Investor Relations Manager at FASE – Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship (Germany), focuses on the investment process and discusses how to get investable and attract the right investors. She was joined by Martin Wesian,...